Model-Based Learning for Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping.

Juan Liu,Kevin M. Koch
Abstract:Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) is a magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) technique that estimates magnetic susceptibility of tissue from Larmorfrequency offset measurements. The generation of QSM requires solving achallenging ill-posed field-to-source inversion problem. Inaccuratefield-to-source inversion often causes large susceptibility estimation errorsthat appear as streaking artifacts in the QSM, especially in massivehemorrhagic regions. Recently, several deep learning (DL) QSM techniques havebeen proposed and demonstrated impressive performance. Due to the inherentnon-existent ground-truth QSM references, these DL techniques used eithercalculation of susceptibility through multiple orientation sampling (COSMOS)maps or synthetic data for network training. Therefore, they were constrainedby the availability and accuracy of COSMOS maps, or suffered from performancedrop when the training and testing domains were different. To address theselimitations, we present a model-based DL method, denoted as uQSM. Withoutaccessing to QSM labels, uQSM is trained using the well-established physicalmodel. When evaluating on multi-orientation QSM datasets, uQSM achieves higherlevels of quantitative accuracy compared to TKD, TV-FANSI, MEDI, and DIPapproaches. When qualitatively evaluated on single-orientation datasets, uQSMoutperforms other methods and reconstructed high quality QSM.
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