Providing Care at Home Will Not Save Money for NHS in Next Five Years, Monitor Says.

Nigel Hawkes
Abstract:New models of care being promoted in the NHS in England are unlikely to break even within five years, even if well designed, the health service regulator Monitor says in a new report.1 Its analysis of the financial impact of models that aim to provide care closer to home showed that, even under the most optimistic assumptions, savings would accrue only if they reduced the need for further investment in acute care trusts. “Schemes can deliver care at lower cost, but it’s pretty marginal,” said Chris Walters, Monitor’s chief economist, at a conference held by the Reform think tank on 9 September. New models of care are the cornerstone of NHS England’s Five Year Forward View and are being developed at vanguard sites across the country.2 The future of the NHS depends on them, NHS England’s chief executive, Simon Stevens, has said. Monitor’s analysis did find that four of the modelled schemes—short …
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