Cal Cu La Tion of Salt Ba Sin Depth Us Ing Fluid in Clu Sions in Ha Lite from the or Do Vi Cian Ordos Ba Sin in China

Anatoliy R. Galamay,Fanwei Meng,Krzysztof Bukowski,Aleksandr Lyubchak,Yongsheng Zhang,Pei Ni
Geological Quarterly
Abstract:Dur ing the Mid dle Or do vi cian, the salt de pos its of the Majiagou For ma tion of the Ordos Ba sin in North China formed, the ha lite in clud ing var i ous ge netic types of fluid in clu sion. In this study, fit-test ing of pri mary in clu sions was per formed to re con struct the phys i cal and chem i cal con di tions dur ing orig i nal ha lite sed i men ta tion. Dur ing the post-sed i men ta tion stage, salt was sub jected to el e vated tem per a tures (62–70°C) and pres sures of tens of megapascals. From these mea sure ments and math e mat i cal cal cu la tions, the gas pres sure was iden ti fied in the pri mary fluid in clu sions, which al lowed us to es ti mate that the brine col umn thick ness in the salt ba sin was ap prox i mately 40 m.
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