Excited Heavy Quarkonium Production in Higgs Boson Decays

Qi-Li Liao,Jun Jiang
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/physrevd.100.053002
Abstract:The rare decay channels of the Higgs boson to heavy quarkonium offer vital opportunities to explore the coupling of Higgs to heavy quarks. We study the semiexclusive decay channels of the Higgs boson to heavy quarkonia, i.e., H-0 -> vertical bar (Q (Q) over bar')[n]> + (Q) over bar " continent, contributions of high excited states vertical bar (Q (Q) over bar') [2S]> , vertical bar (Q (Q) over bar') [3S]> , vertical bar (Q (Q) over bar') [4S]> , vertical bar (Q (Q) over bar') [1P]> , vertical bar (Q (Q) over bar') [2P]> , vertical bar (Q (Q) over bar') [3P]> , and vertical bar (Q (Q) over bar') [4P]> , are also studied. According to our study, the contributions of high excited Fock states should be considered seriously. Differential distributions of total decay width with respect to invariant mass and angles, as well as uncertainties caused by nonperturbative hadronic nonperturbative matrix elements are discussed. If all excited heavy quarkonium states decay to the ground spin-singlet state through electromagnetic or hadronic interactions, we obtain the decay widths for vertical bar (Q (Q) over bar')> quarkonium production through H-0 semiexclusive decays: 25.10(-51.6%)(+11.6%) keV for the vertical bar (b (c) over bar) [n]> meson, 3.23(-62.2%)(+0%) keV for (c (c) over bar) [n]> , and 2.36(-57.1%)(+0%) keV for vertical bar (b (b) over bar) [n]> , where uncertainties are caused by adopting different nonperturbative potential models. At the future high-energy LHC(root s = 27 TeV), numerical results show that sizable numbers of events for those high excited states can be produced, which implies that one could also consider exploring the coupling properties of Higgs to heavy quarks in these high excited states channels, especially for the charmonium and bottomonium."
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