Measurements of $ψ{(2S)}$ and $χ_{c1}(3872)$ production within fully reconstructed jets
LHCb collaboration,R. Aaij,A.S.W. Abdelmotteleb,C. Abellan Beteta,F. Abudinén,T. Ackernley,A. A. Adefisoye,B. Adeva,M. Adinolfi,P. Adlarson,C. Agapopoulou,C.A. Aidala,Z. Ajaltouni,S. Akar,K. Akiba,P. Albicocco,J. Albrecht,F. Alessio,M. Alexander,Z. Aliouche,P. Alvarez Cartelle,R. Amalric,S. Amato,J.L. Amey,Y. Amhis,L. An,L. Anderlini,M. Andersson,A. Andreianov,P. Andreola,M. Andreotti,D. Andreou,A. Anelli,D. Ao,F. Archilli,M. Argenton,S. Arguedas Cuendis,A. Artamonov,M. Artuso,E. Aslanides,R. Ataíde Da Silva,M. Atzeni,B. Audurier,D. Bacher,I. Bachiller Perea,S. Bachmann,M. Bachmayer,J.J. Back,P. Baladron Rodriguez,V. Balagura,W. Baldini,L. Balzani,H. Bao,J. Baptista de Souza Leite,C. Barbero Pretel,M. Barbetti,I. R. Barbosa,R.J. Barlow,M. Barnyakov,S. Barsuk,W. Barter,M. Bartolini,J. Bartz,J.M. Basels,S. Bashir,G. Bassi,B. Batsukh,P. B. Battista,A. Bay,A. Beck,M. Becker,F. Bedeschi,I.B. Bediaga,N. A. Behling,S. Belin,V. Bellee,K. Belous,I. Belov,I. Belyaev,G. Benane,G. Bencivenni,E. Ben-Haim,A. Berezhnoy,R. Bernet,S. Bernet Andres,A. Bertolin,C. Betancourt,F. Betti,J. Bex,Ia. Bezshyiko,J. Bhom,M.S. Bieker,N.V. Biesuz,P. Billoir,A. Biolchini,M. Birch,F.C.R. Bishop,A. Bitadze,A. Bizzeti,T. Blake,et al. (1036 additional authors not shown)
Abstract:This paper presents the first measurement of $\psi{(2S)}$ and $\chi_{c1}(3872)$ meson production within fully reconstructed jets. Each quarkonium state (tag) is reconstructed via its decay to the $J/\psi$($\rightarrow\mu^+\mu^-$)$\pi^+\pi^-$ final state in the forward region using proton-proton collision data collected by the LHCb experiment at the center-of-mass-energy of $13 \text{TeV}$ in 2016, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of $1.64 \text{fb}^{-1}$. The fragmentation function, presented as the ratio of the quarkonium-tag transverse momentum to the full jet transverse momentum ($p_{\mathrm{T}}(\text{tag})/p_{\mathrm{T}}(\text{jet})$), is measured differentially in $p_{\mathrm{T}}(\text{jet})$ and $p_{\mathrm{T}}(\text{tag})$ bins. The distributions are separated into promptly produced quarkonia from proton-proton collisions and quarkonia produced from displaced $b$-hadron decays. While the displaced quarkonia fragmentation functions are in general well described by parton-shower predictions, the prompt quarkonium distributions differ significantly from fixed-order non-relativistic QCD (NRQCD) predictions followed by a QCD parton shower.
High Energy Physics - Experiment