The Asymmetry Model of Lexical and Semantic Representations in Less Proficient Mongolian-English Bilinguals
Li Jie,Hou You,Wang Fengmei,Jiang Songxiu
Abstract:There is a debate in terms of whether the two languages were stored and accessed together or separately in memory in early research on the representation and processing of information in bilingual memory.In recent years,it is an important issue for how the connection between words and their meanings is developed with increasing proficiency in the L2.Results from previous studies led to the conclusion that the representations models between high proficient bilinguals and less proficient bilinguals were different.However,the conclusion has been supported by some experiments based on explicit memory tasks.Therefore,we conducted the present study to explore the lexical and conceptual representation model of the less proficient bilinguals,using cross-language repetition priming which is based on implicit memory tasks. In the present study,participants included 165 junior undergraduate students with English as their second language.The students were non-English majors,whose scores of CET 4 were between 280 and 350.All experiments and data collection were managed by Eprime on computers to assure accurate reaction time measurement.Participants were instructed to complete the lexical decision task in Experiment 1,but the conceptual decision task in Experiment 2.There were 2 phases in each experiment,i.e.,the study phase and the test phase. The reaction time and accurate rates were analyzed by SPSS 17.0,a two-way repeated measure ANOVA was used with the language group as a between-participant factor(same language,cross language) and trials type as a within-participant factor(studied trials,nonstudied trials).There was no cross language repetition priming effect in Experiment 1 in cross language condition.The response time to the words studied was significantly faster than that to the words unstudied in Experiment 2 in both the same language condition and the cross language condition.In Experiment 2,there was symmetry in within-language repetition priming effect,but asymmetry in betweenlanguage condition.In other words,the response time to the words studied was significantly faster than that to the words unstudied in English-Mongolian condition,but no cross language repetition priming effect in Mongolian-English condition. The result of the two experiments indicated that,for less proficient bilinguals,lexical representations are separate.Surprisingly, conceptual representations for translation equivalents are shared but asymmetrical.Further,our results support the Revised Hierarchical Model.