Is Marx's Theory of Alienated Labor in Paris Manuscript Circular Reasoning
Waney Squier,Julie Mack,Patrick E Lantz,Patrick D Barnes,Irene Scheimberg,James T Eastman,Marta Cohen,Peter J Stephens,Darinka Mileusnic-Polchan
Abstract:Regarding the research on early Marx,one of the most important reasons that the theory of alienated labor in Paris Manuscript is not highly-evaluated is the "aporia",or even circular reasoning to some degree.Actually,what Marx has pointed out in the end of the chapter "Alienated Labor and Private Property" in The First Manuscript is such a historical theory concerning the birth of capital:man's objectification(Entfremdete Arbeit I) has brought about the private property on the basis of self-working(Privateigentum I),which in turn leads to the alienated labor that belongs to others(Entfremdete Arbeit II),and it is the second type of the alienated labor that eventually gives birth to the private property of capitalism(Privateigentum II).Therefore,the theory of alienated labor,regarding of its form,does not embody the so-called circular reasoning at all,but is equivalent to the Primitive Accumulation of Capital theory in the Grundrisse from the perspective of its content.However,in order to accomplish the logical prove of the deduction from the alienated labor to the private property,Marx still needs to transform its interpretation framework from the subject-object relation of isolated man to the social relation.He indeed,in the end of The First Manuscript,realized the necessity of such a transform,which he then,by research on the alienation of commerce(Verkehr) in Glossen zu James Mill,successfully accomplished,and solved the "aporia" of the theory of alienated labor.