Comparison of the analytical methods used to determine natural and artificial radionuclides from environmental samples by gamma, alpha and beta spectrometry
R. Pöllänen,S. Virtanen,M. Kämäräinen,Maria Kaipiainen,X. Hou,P. Roos,M. Eriksson,S. Ehrs,A. Nalbandyan,B. Møller,S. Jonsson,P. Lagerkvist,A. Tovedal
Abstract:In CAMNAR, an extensive interlaboratory exercise on the analytical methods used to determine several radionuclides present in the environmental samples was organized. Activity concentration of different natural radionuclides, such as Rn-222, Pb-210, Po-210, K-40, Ra-226, Ra-228 and isotopes of uranium, in addition to artificial Cs-137 and Am-241 were analysed from lake sediment samples and drinking water. The measurement techniques were gamma-ray spectrometry, alpha spectrometry, liquid scintillation counting and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Twenty six laboratories from nine Nordic and European countries participated in the intercomparison. Extraordinary variation between the results reported by different laboratories were revealed for some radionuclides indicating the need of future intercomparisons especially in the case of natural water samples.