Theoretical investigation of electron-impact ionization of W<sup<6+</sup< ion
Li-Li Ma,Shi-Ping Zhang,Fang-Jun Zhang,Mai-Juan Li,Jun Jiang,Xiao-Bin Ding,Lu-You Xie,Deng-Hong Zhang,Chen-Zhong Dong,Key Laboratory of Atomic and Molecular Physics & Functional Materials of Gansu Province, College of Physics and Electronic Engineering, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070 China
IF: 0.906
Acta Physica Sinica
Abstract:Author(s): Ma Li-Li, Zhang Shi-Ping, Zhang Fang-Jun, Li Mai-Juan, Jiang Jun, Ding Xiao-Bin, Xie Lu-You, Zhang Deng-Hong, Dong Chen-Zhong <sec<due (di)="" (ea)="" (eisi)="" (lldw)="" (stenke="" 2711<="" <1995="" <b<28<="" <ext-link="" <i<j.="" a="" accord="" account="" aichele="" al.="" and="" are="" as="" astrophysical="" at.="" atomic="" atoms="" attached="" autoionization="" b:="" b<="" be="" beam,="" been="" behavior="" being="" by="" calculaiton="" calculated="" calculation="" causing="" characteristics,="" charge="" coefficients="" collision="" combustion="" compared="" comparison="" complex="" comprehensive="" conditions,="" confinement="" considered.<="" considering="" contribution="" contributions="" cross="" cross-sections="" crucial="" currently="" d,="" data="" determine="" device="" device.="" diagnostics.<="" different="" direct="" directly="" distorted-wave="" e="" eisi="" electron="" electron-impact="" employed.<="" encountered="" energy="" ensure="" enter="" environments.="" et="" evaluate="" excited="" experimental="" ext-link-type="uri" ext-link<)="" figure.<="" for="" fraction="" from="" fundamental="" fusion="" g,="" ground="" harthiramani="" has="" high-precision="" highly="" hofmann="" i<="" illustrated="" imperative="" impurities="" impurities.="" in="" include="" influence="" interacts="" into="" ion="" ionization="" ionization,="" ionized="" ions="" ions.="" is="" it="" its="" k,="" laboratory="" level-to-level="" levels="" long="" long-lived="" m,="" magnetic="" material="" metal="" metastable="" method.="" model="" models="" mol.="" more="" of="" on="" only="" opt.="" our="" p="" parameters="" parent="" phys.="" phys.<="" physical="" pindzola="" plasma="" plasma.="" primarily="" process="" process,="" provides="" r,="" radiation="" rate="" requires="" result="" result.="" results="" results,="" reveals="" salzborn="" sec<<="" sec<<sec<comparison="" sec<<sec<electron-impact="" sec<<sec<our="" section="" sections="" selected="" significantly="" simulations="" single-ionization="" smaller="" sputtered="" stable="" state="" state.="" states="" states,="" steidl="" stenke="" such="" sup<="" take="" than="" that="" the="" their="" then="" theoretical="" therefore,="" this="" three="" thus="" time,="" to="" tokamak="" total="" transport="" tungsten="" understanding="" unique="" used="" using="" various="" volpel="" w<sup<6+ Acta Physica Sinica. 2024 73(12): 123401. Published 2024-06-20</sec
physics, multidisciplinary