Capital is about The Grand Theory of Market Power Structure:Also about the Basic Theory of Socialist Market Economy
LU Pin-yue
Abstract:Labor value is a power of social relationship carried by labor products. It is the root of all political power in hierarchy society,and it is a source of market power which allocates the production factors in market system. Once converted into money,the product market power contained in it would get free from products charring it and become a pure general market power. And when it inputs into the production process as investments,it would become the power of capital through its carrier forms,ie,the production factors in the production process. The capital power is the concentrated manifestation of market power of value of labor,controls workers through means of production,and distributes the surplus value created by workers. The capitals in whole society split all value produced by the society as a whole through market competition,and also a variety of non-market powers( such as land ownership,etc.) enter the market to divide the surplus value,thus generating a social power structure of market system,which would causing the prices of commodities deviate from their value,and this deviation shows as the"spectrum of market power structure".