Japan and Shanghai,Suzhou,Hangzhou after the Sino-Japanese War
james t c liu,tuan ch angt ung,lin shuhui,chang jungch u,sun juich in,chang yenshen,nieh ch ungch i,shao hsuncheng
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1005-605X.2014.04.003
Abstract:Since Japan conspired to commit aggression against China,it always had the ambition to Chinese economic cen-ter in Shanghai,Suzhou,Hangzhou area.After the Sino -Japanese war,there was a crack to squeeze through,coveting the Shanghai river shipping throat-Wusong,setting up concessions in Suzhou and Hangzhou,encroaching on inland river shipping business in Jiangnan,etc,all of this were the concrete manifestation of its aggressive plot.