Modeling-Experiment-Theory Analysis of Reactions Initiated from Cl + Methyl Formate
Jaeyoung Cho,Daniel Rösch,Yujie Tao,David L Osborn,Stephen J Klippenstein,Leonid Sheps,Raghu Sivaramakrishnan
Abstract:Methyl formate (MF; CH3OCHO) is the smallest representative of esters, which are common components of biodiesel. The present study characterizes the thermal dissociation kinetics of the radicals formed by H atom abstraction from MF─CH3OCO and CH2OCHO─through a combination of modeling, experiment, and theory. For the experimental effort, excimer laser photolysis of Cl2 was used as a source of Cl atoms to initiate reactions with MF in the gas phase. Time-resolved species profiles of MF, Cl2, HCl, CO2, CH3, CH3Cl, CH2O, and CH2ClOCHO were measured and quantified using photoionization mass spectrometry at temperatures of 400-750 K and 10 Torr. The experimental data were simulated using a kinetic model, which was informed by ab initio-based theoretical kinetics calculations and included chlorine chemistry and secondary reactions of radical decomposition products. We calculated the rate coefficients for the H-abstraction reactions Cl + MF → HCl + CH3OCO (R1a) and Cl + MF → HCl + CH2OCHO (R1b): k1a,theory = 6.71 × 10-15·T1.14·exp(-606/T) cm3/molecule·s; k1b,theory = 4.67 × 10-18·T2.21·exp(-245/T) cm3/molecule·s over T = 200-2000 K. Electronic structure calculations indicate that the barriers to CH3OCO and CH2OCHO dissociation are 13.7 and 31.6 kcal/mol and lead to CH3 + CO2 (R3) and CH2O + HCO (R5), respectively. The master equation-based theoretical rate coefficients are k3,theory (P = ∞) = 2.94 × 109·T1.21·exp(-6209/T) s-1 and k5,theory (P = ∞) = 8.45 × 108·T1.39·exp(-15132/T) s-1 over T = 300-1500 K. The calculated branching fractions into R1a and R1b and the rate coefficient for R5 were validated by modeling of the experimental species time profiles and found to be in excellent agreement with theory. Additionally, we found that the bimolecular reactions CH2OCHO + Cl, CH2OCHO + Cl2, and CH3 + Cl2 were critical to accurately model the experimental data and constrain the kinetics of MF-radicals. Inclusion of the kinetic parameters determined in this study showed a significant impact on combustion simulations of larger methyl esters, which are considered as biodiesel surrogates.