Technical-Economical Analysis on Co-Gasification of Coal and Biomass Based on the Igcc System with A Two-Staged Gasifier

Zhiqiang Wu,Dongxia OuYang
Abstract:In this paper, a two-staged entrained-flow bed gasifier is proposed for the co-gasification of coal and biomass. The effect of biomass blending ratio on the two-staged co-gasification characteristics and the influence of fuel price, loan ratio, biomass blending and electricity price on the technical and economic efficiency of the IGCC system are considered. The results indicated that the content of H2 in syngas increased firstly and then decreased with the addition of biomass, which reached the maximum value of 30.87 % at 10 % biomass ratio. The content of CO increased with the raising of biomass ratio, and the growth rate reached the maximum at 10 % biomass ratio. The carbon conversion (CC) firstly raised and then decreased with the increase of the biomass ratio at the second stage. The cold gas efficiency (CGE) increased nearly 10 % when the biomass ratio increased from 0 to 10%. The CGE of two-stage co-gasification was above 85%, indicating two-staged co-gasification of coal and biomass can significantly improve the efficiency of cold gas. The technical-economical analysis on the IGCC system indicated that the loan rate had a significant influence on the system dynamic investment, internal rate of return and net present value. With the increasing of loan rate, the total dynamic investment based the benchmark interest rate of 6.15 increased from 413.67 million to 431.58 million under the maximum lending rate of 8.61%. When the lending rate was larger than 8.15%, the internal rate of return (IRR) was slightly higher than the benchmark rate of return in the power sector. The further increase of the loan interest rate would result in a reduction of the internal rate of return and a negative net present value.The internal rate of return, the cost ratio, and the net present value decreased with the increase in the fuel price. When the price ceiling of coal and biomass was 600 RMB·t-1 and 450 RMB·t-1, the IGCC system was economically viable. The influence of biomass blending ratio on technical, economic indicators was nonlinear. When the biomass ratio increased from 0 to 50%, the IRR, income ratio and net present value of the project increased firstly and then decreased. The effect of the grid price on the technical economic indicators was opposite to that of the fuel price. This paper provides a useful guide for optimization of the co-gasification process.
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