Chiral photonic topological states in Penrose quasicrystals
Yingfang Zhang,Zhihao Lan,Liyazhou Hu,Yiqing Shu,Xun Yuan,Penglai Guo,Xiaoling Peng,Weicheng Chen,Jianqing Li
Abstract:Electromagnetic topological edge states typically are created in photonic systems with crystalline symmetry and these states emerge because of the topological feature of bulk Bloch bands in momentum space according to the bulk-edge correspondence principle. In this work, we demonstrate the existence of chiral topological electromagnetic edge states in Penrose-tiled photonic quasicrystals made of magneto-optical materials, without relying on the concept of bulk Bloch bands in momentum space. Despite the absence of bulk Bloch bands, which naturally defiles the conventional definition of topological invariants in momentum space characterizing these states, such as the Chern number, we show that some bandgaps in these photonic quasicrystals still could host unidirectional topological electromagnetic edge states immune to backscattering in both cylinders-in-air and holes-in-slab configurations. Employing a real-space topological invariant based on the Bott index, our calculations reveal that the bandgaps hosting these chiral topological edge states possess a nontrivial Bott index of $\pm 1$, depending on the direction of the external magnetic field. Our work opens the door to the study of topological states in photonic quasicrystals.
Optics,Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics