Study of TanshinoneⅡA Percutaneous Absorption Rate in Acupoint Transdermal

Abstract:Objective It is to discuss the influence of differen t enhancing osmosi s methods on TanshinoneⅡA percutaneous absorption rate in DANQIYIXINTIE through using radioisotope tracer technique.Methods Using 3H TanshinoneⅡA as the index, TanshinoneⅡA per cutaneous absorpti on rate in strapping of rat in vitro was tested based on TanshinoneⅡA stool exc retion fraction.Result Enhancing osmosis agent could significantly enhance Tanshin oneⅡA percuta neous absorbtion rate in strapping. The absorption rate of nitroglycerin pretrea tment plus enhancing osmosis agent was obviously higher than that of enhancing o smosis agent only.Conclusion It is a suitable method that TanshinoneⅡA marked by 3H is used in pe rcutaneous absorption empirical study. Enhancing osmosis agent plus low does of nitroglycerin pretreatment on skin can strengthen TanshinoneⅡA percutaneous abs orption rate.
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