Preliminary Observation of 3-D Conf Ormal Radiation Therapy for Locally Recurrent Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

ZHENG Xiao-kang,CHEN Long-Hua,MA Jun
Chinese Journal of Cancer
Abstract:Objective:The current study was designed to investigate the retreatment of locally recurrent nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)with three-dimensional conformal r adiation therapy(3-D CRT).Methods:From April 1998to October1999,26patients with locally recur rent NPC(25patients were poorly differentia ted squamous cell carcinoma,1poorly differentiated adenoma )were retreated by 3-D CRT.The patien ts were restaged according to the Huaqing staging system with the following distribution:rT 1 N 0 M 0 4,rT 2 N 0 M 0 8,rT 3 N 0 M 0 9,rT 4 N 0 M 0 5.The maximal dimension of gross tum or volume (GTV)ranged from 1.0cm to 5.0cm(median:3.1cm).Among 5-7static conformal portals were delivered with coplanar or noncoplanar isocen tric irradiation technique in this t rial.The mean value of the maximal dose,the minimal dose and the average dose of the planning target volume (PTV)were 104.1±1.3%,92.1±2.8%,and 99.2±1.7%,respectively.The prescription dose-fractionation-time was 65-70Gy /26-28F /5-5.5W.The median fellow-u p time after 3-D CRT was 17months(range:8-26months).Results:In the follow-up time,2patients occurred marginal recurrence,3patients occurred regional failure,2patients occurred distant metastasis,and 4p atients died.No evidence of local failure was found in 88.5%(23/26)of the patients,and84.6%(22/26)of the patients survived during the f ollow-up time.The acute and self-limiting co mplications from reirradiationwe reslig htandf e w.Theovera ll i nc i denceof l a ter ad i a ti onco mp li ca ti onsa ft erreirra d i a ti onwas19.2%5/26 .Func ti onal i mpa ir mentdeve l opedin15.4%4/26 oft hepa ti en tsa ft erreirra d i a ti on.Conc l usi on 3 2D CRT f orl oca llyr ecu rr ent NPC hadanobv i ousadvan t ageondosed istri bu ti on.Th isp reli mi na ryresu lt i nd i ca t edt hatt h is new r ad i o t he rapyt echn i que had ah i gh l ocalcon tr olr a teandl ow co mp li ca ti on r a t e.Butitsl ongt e rm cu rativee ff ectandseque l aeneed tobef u rt her observed.
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