Response of Soil Microbial Biomass Toward Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Atrazine-Added Soils

Abstract:An incubation experiment was conducted to study the re sponse of soil mic robial biomass C to nitrogen and phosphorus in three contamin ated -soils(taken frompaddy field on desalting m ud polder,blue clayed paddy soil and paddy field on quaternary red soil)by atrazine herbicide at a rate of 10mg·kg -1 .Our results showed that soil microb ial biomass C were significantly decre ased for the soils contaminated by atrazine a t a rate of 10mg ·kg -1 .The average decrements were 19.5%,8.6%,and 7.3%in paddy fie ld on desalting mud polder ,blue clayed paddy soil and paddy field on quatern a ry red soil,respectively.Fertili zation significantly in-creased microbial bi omass C in the atrazine -contaminating soils.The effects of different treatmen ts on mic robial biomass C were in an order as:ANP ANAPACK in all paddy soils used.In contrast to contro l,the increment of microbial biomass C were :paddy field on desalting mud polderblue clayed paddy soil paddy field o n quaternary red soil in ANP?AN?AP treatments,re-spectively.
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