Research on the Servo-control System of Super-RENS Optical Storage Based on Digital Algorithm
Yuan-ying GENG,Ti-jun LU,Guo-sheng QI,Duan-yi XU,Rong LIU
Abstract:The pick-up of the typical CD-R/W optical storage disc driver is used in this system.To realize the focus servo-control,the circuit board of super-RENS optical storage system,which is based on the DSP chip of TMS320VC5409 and the CPLD chip of XC95144XL,is used,and the digital control algorithm is applied in this system.In this paper,the principle of the generation of focus error signal is analyzed and the mechanical character of the pick-up is achieved,and the adapted digital control algorithm is designed for this system.As the result of the experiment,the control precision of ±0.27 μm for static control and ±1.35 μm for dynamc control is obtained.These results meet the needs of the experimental system.