Counts of Tumor-associated Macrophage,Microvessel and Lymph Vessel in Benign and Malignant Lesions of Gallbladder
Abstract:【Objective】 To study the counts of tumor-associated macrophage(TAM),microvessel(MV) and lymph vessel(LV) in gallbladder adenocarcinoma,peritumoral tissues,adenomatous polyp and chronic cholecystitis with regard to their diagnostic and prognostic value from a clinicopathological perspective.【Methods】 SP immuno-histochemistry method was used for the stain of TAM,MV,and LV in routinely paraffin-embedded sections from the samples of gallbladder adenocarcinoma(n=108),peritumoral tissues(n=46),adenomatous polyp(n=15),and chronic cholecystitis(n=35),followed by positive-counting on 10 random field under high power microscope.【Results】The counts of TAM,MV,and LV were significantly higher in the gallbladder adenocarcinorna than those in the peritumoral tissues,adenomatous polyp,and chronic cholecystitis(P 0.01).The counts of TAM,MV,and LV were significantly lowered when the tumor were cancerate from adenomatous polyp,or well-differentiated,or less than 2 cm in the maximal diameter,or negative in lymphatic involvement and peritumoral infiltration(P 0.05).Significant positive-correlation were found among the counts of TAM and MV and LV in gallbladder adenocarcinorna(correlation coefficient:TAM vs MV,r=0.65,P 0.01;TAM vs LV,r=0.58,P 0.01;MV vs LV,r=0.32,P 0.05).【Conclusions】The counts of TAM,MV,or LV presented as important factors associated with carcinogenesis,advancement,biological behavior,metastasis,invasive potential and prognosis of gallbladder carcinoma,TAM deposit might indicating the angiogenesis and lymphoangiogenesis of gallbladder adenocarcinoma.