Design and Application of a Radial Basis Function(RBF) Neural Network in Evaluating Soil Environmental Quality
HU Yan-di,ZHAO Yu-jie,BAI Zhi-peng,GAO Huai-you,SHI Rong-guang
Abstract:As there are no objective and precise quality-evaluation values in work of soil environmental quality assessment,we constructed an ascendingly-sorted training set and proving set.With the foundation of such design,we defined the ratio of wrongly-sorted samples(err) as indicating variable of the quality of a networks with given parameter values.To search optimized parameter values,commonly approach is an attempting method,which attempts several different parameters,and choose better ones as the optimized parameter values.As this method can only attempt fairly small amounts of different parameter values,its ability of parameter optimization is very limited.In this study,by using MATLAB 6.5 neural network toolbox,we are able to deal with a large amount of parameter values quickly,with the target of getting the smallest value of ratio of wrongly-sorted samples,thus optimizing searching course can be automatically performed by computer.Thinks to the present method,we are able to get the best parameter values.Finally,we use the network with the optimized parameter values we have designed to assess the soil environmental quality according to some monitoring data,the assessing results are scientifically stable and precise.