Water Demand for Sediment Transport in the Lower Yellow River

DOI: https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1005-0930.2002.03.006
Abstract:Water demand for transporting sediment is of primary importance in the Lower Yellow River. A systematic analysis was made in terms of the incoming water and se d iment from the upstream, the regimes of sediment transport, the sediment trans po rting capacities of river flow, and the control capabilities of hydraulic eng ine ering works. According to the measured data from 1950 to 1997, the water dem andfor transporting sediment was considered under four conditions, or the natu ral,the engineering-controlled, the complex and the abnormal conditions. Boththe e quilibrium and the non-equilibrium regimes are discussed. In determiningequili brium regime for sediment transport, comparison was made between differe nt opera tion schemes in connection with sediment transporting capacities, e.g.the schem e of using the water in wet season to transport the sediment load in t he whole y ear and other schemes. These schemes could decrease water demand forsediment tr ansport. The schemes could be implemented by the option of the hydra ulic enginee ring works. For convenience, thresholds of water use for sediment t ransport unde r different conditions were also proposed and discussed.
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