Study on Power Quality Monitoring and Evaluating System
XU Xia-ling,ZHA Xiao-ming
Abstract:In order to monitor, analyze and improve power quality accurately and quickly, this paper presents the composition and functions of a power quality (PQ) monitoring and evaluating system, which is developed using the virtual instrument (VI) and object oriented programming (OOP) techniques. The proposed PQ monitoring and evaluation system consists of a data acquisition subsystem, a communicating subsystem and a PQ evaluating subsystem. The system obtains magnitudes and phases of the fundamental and harmonic components of voltage and/or current waveforms by using FFT. Further, active powers, reactive powers, power factors of these components are also provided. Based on these quantities, five PQ indices, i.e. frequency deviation, magnitude deviation, unbalance, flicker and harmonics are available. It extremely reduces development cost by virtue of the use of VI technology to develop the above mentioned subsystems. On site application of the proposed PQ monitoring and evaluation system proved its real time processing capability and reliability.