Jet Substructure Modifications in a QGP from Multi-Scale Description of Jet Evolution with JETSCAPE

Y. Tachibana,A. Angerami,S. A. Bass,S. Cao,J. Coleman,L. Cunqueiro,T. Dai,L. Du,H. Elfner,D. Everett,W. Fan,R. Fries,C. Gale,Y. He,U. Heinz,B. V. Jacak,P. M. Jacobs,S. Jeon,K. Kauder,W. Ke,E. Khalaj,M. Kordell II,A. Kumar,T. Luo,A. Majumder,M. McNelis,C. Nattrass,D. Oliinychenko,D. Pablos,L. G. Pang,C. Park,J. -F. Paquet,J. H. Putschke,G. Roland,B. Schenke,L. Schwiebert,C. Shen,C. Sirimanna,R. A. Soltz,G. Vujanovic,X. -N. Wang,R. L. Wolpert,Y. Xu,Z. Yang
Abstract:The modification of jet substructure in relativistic heavy-ion collisions isstudied using JETSCAPE, a publicly available software package containing aframework for Monte Carlo event generators. Multi-stage jet evolution inJETSCAPE provides an integrated description of jet quenching by combiningmultiple models, with each becoming active at a different stage of the partonshower evolution. Jet substructure modification due to different aspects of jetquenching is studied using jet shape and jet fragmentation observables. Variouscombinations of jet energy loss models are exploed, with medium backgroundprovided by (2 + 1)-D VISHNU with TRENTo+freestreaming initial conditions.Results reported here are from simulations performed within JETSCAPE framework.
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