The Effect of Temperature on the Rapid Detection of Microorganisms by Impedance
Zhang Aiping,Wu Dan,Tang Jiani,Hou Shijuan,Liu Donghong
Abstract:The detection temperature has significant impact on impedance parameters value and the growth of micro-bial,based on this,in this paper the effect of temperature on impedance detection was studied.G,θ,Cs,Cp and Z values of aseptic Tetra medium and 5 g/L NaCl solution at 20 ℃,22 ℃,24 ℃,26 ℃,28 ℃,30 ℃,32 ℃,34 ℃,36 ℃,38 ℃,40 ℃ were compared,get linear relationship between these impedance parameters and temperature and the same temperature fluctuations have greater impact on the culture medium of high conductivity.At the same time,we compare the detection time of Micrococcus luteus(8.4×104 CFU/mL),microbial flora(3.3×103 CFU/mL) grow at 20 ℃,30 ℃,40 ℃ respectively were also compared,and get that when grow at 20 ℃,the change rate of impedance failed to reach the detection threshold,meanwhile when the incubation temperature rise from 30 ℃ to 40 ℃,the detection time of Micrococcus luteus reduced from 11.8 h to 6.8 h,the microbial flora from 16.5 h to 12.5 h,showed that the temperature have significant impact on the impedance rapid method.