Geant 4 simulation of pulse-height response function of liquid scintillator based neutron detector
J. K. Meena,K. T.,Biswas,T. Bandhopadhyay,C. Bhattacharya,M.,K. Banerjee,S. Bhattacharya,M. Gohil,Rana,R. Pandey,G. Mukherjee,S. Kundu,A. Dey,H. Pai
Abstract:Organic liquid scintillator based detectors are widely used for neutron detection in a mixed field of neutron and gamma rays due to their properties viz. high light output, good detection efficiency, fast decay time and excellent neutron-gamma discrimination. A BC501A liquid scintillator based time of flight (TOF) neutron detector array is being developed for neutron spectroscopic studies at the Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata [1]. A Geant4 based simulation code has been developed to estimate the response function of these neutron detectors. Here, we report our measurement of response functions of these detectors for neutron using neutron emitted from Cf source as well as α(35 MeV) + Ta reaction, using TOF technique and presents the comparison with the results obtained from Geant4 simulation. The mono-energetic neutron response function was simulated using the Geant4 toolkit version 4.9.2 [2]. The code takes into consideration the full complexity of the light production inside the detector, wall effect and nonlinear light response for secondary charged particles. All relevant physical processes for γrays and neutrons in the energy range in question were included in the simulation. For γ-ray interactions, the data file G4EMLOW version 6.2, containing cross-sections for low energy electromagnetic processes, was used. For neutron, cross section data library G4NDL3.13 as well as Geisha routine based data library, in which models of Elastic, Inelastic, Capture