Abstract:In the present paper, we first establish and verify a new sharp hyperbolic version of the Michael-Simon inequality for mean curvatures in hyperbolic space H n + 1 based on the locally constrained inverse curvature flow introduced by Brendle, Guan and Li ("An inverse curvature type hypersurface flow in H n + 1 ," (Preprint)) as follows provided that M is h -convex and f is a positive smooth function, where λ ′( r ) = cosh r . In particular, when f is of constant, (0.1) coincides with the Minkowski type inequality stated by Brendle, Hung, and Wang in ("A Minkowski inequality for hypersurfaces in the anti-de Sitter-Schwarzschild manifold," Commun. Pure Appl. Math. , vol. 69, no. 1, pp. 124–144, 2016). Further, we also establish and confirm a new sharp Michael-Simon inequality for the k th mean curvatures in H n + 1 by virtue of the Brendle-Guan-Li's flow ("An inverse curvature type hypersurface flow in H n + 1 ," (Preprint)) as below provided that M is h -convex and Ω is the domain enclosed by M , p k ( r ) = ω n ( λ ′) k −1 , W 1 ( Ω ) = 1 n | M | , λ ′( r ) = cosh r , q 1 ( r ) = W 1 S r n + 1 , the area for a geodesic sphere of radius r , and q 1 − 1 is the inverse function of q 1 . In particular, when f is of constant and k is odd, (0.2) is exactly the weighted Alexandrov–Fenchel inequalities proven by Hu, Li, and Wei in ("Locally constrained curvature flows and geometric inequalities in hyperbolic space," Math. Ann. , vol. 382, nos. 3–4, pp. 1425–1474, 2022).
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The paper is primarily dedicated to addressing the problem of establishing and refining Michael-Simon type inequalities in hyperbolic space \(\mathbb{H}^{n+1}\). Specifically, the authors focus on Michael-Simon type inequalities related to mean curvature and \(k\)-th order mean curvature.
For the case of mean curvature, the paper first establishes a new hyperbolic version of the Michael-Simon inequality, verified through the locally constrained inverse curvature flow (proposed by Brendle, Guan, and Li). In particular, when the function \(f\) is a constant, the resulting inequality coincides with the previous work of Brendle, Hung, and Wang.
For the case of \(k\)-th order mean curvature, the paper similarly proves a new, sharp Michael-Simon type inequality using the Brendle-Guan-Li flow. This inequality also considers the effect of the function \(f\) on the mean curvature, and when \(f\) is a constant, it simplifies to the weighted Alexandrov-Fenchel inequality obtained in the previous work of Hu, Li, and Wei.
The main contributions of the paper are:
1. Proposing a new inequality concerning \(k\)-th order mean curvature and proving it through a special geometric flow method;
2. Proving the validity of these inequalities when the function \(f\) meets specific conditions and discussing the necessary and sufficient conditions for equality;
3. As an application, deriving some special cases of the inequalities, such as when the function \(f\) is a constant.
In summary, the goal of this paper is to extend and deepen Michael-Simon type inequalities in hyperbolic space \(\mathbb{H}^{n+1}\), utilizing geometric flow methods to address this problem. These results are significant for understanding the properties of surfaces in hyperbolic space and the geometric implications of the related inequalities.