On (s,t) -relaxed L(2,1) -labeling of graphs

Wensong Lin
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10878-014-9746-9
Abstract:We initiate the study of relaxed L(2,1) -labelings of graphs. Suppose G is a graph. Let u be a vertex of G . A vertex v is called an i -neighbor of u if d_G(u,v)=i . A 1 -neighbor of u is simply called a neighbor of u . Let s and t be two nonnegative integers. Suppose f is an assignment of nonnegative integers to the vertices of G . If the following three conditions are satisfied, then f is called an (s,t) -relaxed L(2,1) -labeling of G : (1) for any two adjacent vertices u and v of G, f(u)≠f(v) ; (2) for any vertex u of G , there are at most s neighbors of u receiving labels from {f(u)-1,f(u)+1} ; (3) for any vertex u of G , the number of 2 -neighbors of u assigned the label f(u) is at most t . The minimum span of (s,t) -relaxed L(2,1) -labelings of G is called the (s,t) -relaxed L(2,1) -labeling number of G , denoted by λ ^s,t_2,1(G) . It is clear that λ ^0,0_2,1(G) is the so called L(2,1) -labeling number of G . λ ^1,0_2,1(G) is simply written as λ(G) . This paper discusses basic properties of (s,t) -relaxed L(2,1) -labeling numbers of graphs. For any two nonnegative integers s and t , the exact values of (s,t) -relaxed L(2,1) -labeling numbers of paths, cycles and complete graphs are determined. Tight upper and lower bounds for (s,t) -relaxed L(2,1) -labeling numbers of complete multipartite graphs and trees are given. The upper bounds for (s,1) -relaxed L(2,1) -labeling number of general graphs are also investigated. We introduce a new graph parameter called the breaking path covering number of a graph. A breaking path P is a vertex sequence v_1,v_2,… ,v_k in which each v_i is adjacent to at least one vertex of v_i-1 and v_i+1 for i=2,3,… ,k-1 . A breaking path covering of G is a set of disjoint such vertex sequences that cover all vertices of G . The breaking path covering number of G , denoted by bpc(G) , is the minimum number of breaking paths in a breaking path covering of G . In this paper, it is proved that λ(G)= n+bpc(G^c)-2 if bpc(G^c)≥ 2 and λ(G)≤ n-1 if and only if bpc(G^c)=1 . The breaking path covering number of a graph is proved to be computable in polynomial time. Thus, if a graph G is of diameter two, then λ(G) can be determined in polynomial time. Several conjectures and problems on relaxed L(2,1) -labelings are also proposed.
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