Study on Soil Microbial Properties under Different Halophytes Types
Guo-dong CAO,Jie-hua CHEN,Shao-ming WANG,Jun XIA,Hong-wei ZHU,Yong-chao JIANG,ZHANG-Xia
Abstract:【Objective】In this study,soil pH,Ec,organism matter content and the quantitative characteristics of soil microorganism of Halostachys caspica,Nitraria sibirica and Salsola the alluvial fan area of Manas River watershed were analyzed so as to discuss the effects of different vegetation types on the quantity and the distribution pattern of soil microorganism.【Method】Considering landforms and different vegetation types in the alluvial fan area of Manas River watershed,soil physicoch emical properties and soil microflora under the three main vegetation types were investigated,and SPSS17.0 was used to conduct analysis of soil indicators.【Result】Soil indicators under the three main vegetation types in 40 cm depth soil profile showed that: soil pH and Ec presented Nitraria sibirica<Halostachys caspica<Salsola spp.,soil moisture content and organic matter content presented Salsola spp.<Halostachys caspica<Nitraria sibirica,and soil organic matter content of Nitraria sibirica was maximum separately by 8.13 g/kg,soil bacterium and fungi presented Nitraria sibirica>Halostachys caspica>Salsola spp.,soil actinomycetes presented Halostachys caspica>Nitraria sibirica>Salsola spp.;In the vertical distance of soil profile,soil bacterium and soil actinomycetes showed gradual decreased with the increase of soil depth,and moreover,they are mainly accumulated in topsoil,in contrast,soil fungi showed increase(except for Nitraria sibirica).Compared to the uncovered ground,soil organism matter content,soil bacterium and soil actinomycetes of the three main vegetation types in the 40cm depth soil profile showed significant increase,the average organic matter content increased respectively by 55.77%,99.75% and 15.72%;soil bacterium increased respectively by 62.43%,88.48% and 21.99%;soil actinomycetes increased respectively by 91.2%,73.44% and 13.71%.【Conclusion】Whether horizontal or vertical profiles,soil microflora under different halophytes types showed significant differences in the alluvial fan area of Manas River watershed;quantity of soil bacterium in the three vegetation types were significantly higher than that of soil actinomycetes and fungi,it was shown that soil bacteria is the main body of microbial activity in the saline-alkali soil;Compared to the uncovered ground,the different halophytes growing on the saline-alkali soil in arid desert areas significantly ameliorate the soil quality,so the study provide the basic theory with biotic reclamation of saline-alkali soil for agricultural region.