New Urban Poverty in the Chinese Transitional Economy: Evidence from Beijing and Nanjing
Chaolin Gu,Chen Guo,Fulong Wu
Abstract:This article discusses new urban poverty under market transitions and economic transformation in China and stresses the persistency of urban poverty in current China.Transitional systems,economic reconstruction,and the entry of the floating population into the urban labor market have resulted in the rise of new urban poverty in China.First,we discuss the concept of new urban poverty and the research on new urban poverty,focusing on the statistics, characteristics,and causes of new Chinese urban poverty.Then,we argue that social equity has disappeared since the policy of“economic reform and opening the door”was launched in 1978,especialy during the period of urban reform from the 1980s to the 1990s.New urban poverty in China can be attributed to a variety of factors,such as:(1)the rise of laid-off workers and unemployment due to economic reforms and transitions;(2)low-paying jobs created in the private sector,smal-scale enterprises,and the service industry;and(3)the impact of the floating population on the urban labor market,which has made the problem of new urban poverty more acute.Finaly,the paper suggests several policy solutions to be pursued in employment,social security,and public services sectors to aleviate urban poverty in China.