Action of $\mathfrak{osp}(1|2n)$ on polynomials tensor $\mathbb{C}^{0|2n}$
Dwight Anderson Williams II
Abstract:For each positive integer $n$, the basic classical complex Lie superalgebra $\mathfrak{osp}(1|2n)$ has a unique equivalence class of infinite-dimensional completely-pointed modules, those weight modules with one-dimensional weight spaces. The polynomials $\mathbb{C}[x_{1},x_{2}, \ldots, x_{n}]$ in $n$ indeterminates is a choice representative. In the case $n > 1$, tensoring $\mathbb{C}[x_{1},x_{2}, \ldots, x_{n}]$ with the natural $\mathfrak{osp}(1|2n)$-module $\mathbb{C}^{1|2n}$ gives rise to a tensor product representation $V = \mathbb{C}[x_{1},x_{2}, \ldots, x_{n}] \otimes \mathbb{C}^{1|2n}$ of $\mathfrak{osp}(1|2n)$ that decomposes into two irreducible summands. These summands are understood through automorphisms of $V$ that turn out to be intertwining operators describing the first summand as an isomorphic copy of $\mathbb{C}[x_{1},x_{2}, \ldots, x_{n}]$ and the second summand as $\mathbb{C}[x_{1},x_{2}, \ldots, x_{n}] \otimes \mathbb{C}^{2n}$, which does not have a natural $\mathfrak{osp}(1|2n)$-module structure. We describe the intertwining operators as infinite diagonal block matrices of arrowhead matrices and give formulas for the action of the odd root vectors (which generate $\mathfrak{osp}(1|2n)$) on bases of of each of these conjugated oscillator realizations. The decomposition in the $n=1$ case yields three summands, and we recall why the difference in cases is to be expected.
Representation Theory