Trends and Advances in Researches on Plant Population Ecology
Zhang-cheng ZHONG,Bo ZENG
Abstract:The trends and advances in all aspects of plant population ecology over past 20 years are summarized as follows:
(1) Due to the introduction and progress of molecular biology and biotechnology, plant population physiological ecology not only moves forward to the studies of large scale, but also to the studies on levels of organ, cell and molecule.
(2) Studies of plant population reproductive ecology are chiefly focused on the aspects of reproductive allocation and reproductive effort, currencies in reprod uctive allocation, reproductive value, life history evolution, reproductive timi ng and reproductive frequency, etc.
(3) As to clonal plant ecology, the research of it mainly focuses on clonality, physiological integration, clonal growth patterns, clonal growth forms, hierarch ical selection models and spatial mobility, etc.
(4) Modular dynamics, relations between morphology and modular dynamics are much considered in plant modular ecology.
(5) Population genetical structure, variance, differentiation, adaptation and it s relations to environments, ecotypes and their genetic background, and polymorp hism, etc. are chiefly researched in genetical ecology.
(6) Foraging behaviour is the most focal aspect in study of plant behavioural ec ology presently. Owing to this situation, resource allocation patterns, phenotyp ic plasticity, resource heterogeneity, foraging behaviour and evolution are bein g concentrated.
(7) Plant population demography mainly touches on diagrammatic models and transi tion matrix models.
(8) Plant population physiological ecology, reproductive ecology, genetical ecol ogy and population dynamics are all related to some extent to molecular mechanis ms, therefore are becoming the research front of plant population ecology.