Study on weee collection and recycling scheme in typical asia-pacific countries
Yuan Chen,Shite Li,Quanyin Tan,Jinhui Li,Youping Miao
Environmental Engineering and Management Journal
Abstract:The environmental and economic impacts posed by waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) make an effective collection and recycling scheme necessary for developing countries. Currently, developing countries in the Asia-Pacific regions are highly variable in terms of their present state of WEEE management, due to different economic conditions and levels of management. In this paper, we surveyed existing WEEE collection and recycling system in three Asia-Pacific developing countries - China, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan, using SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) Analysis, analyzed key factors for an effective formal collection and recycling system, and identified priority fields that can be targeted by governments. Key factors that were considered include: government involvement, legislation, functional mechanisms, the presence/absence of advanced technology and facilities. Priorities for China were identified, including: expansion of WEEE scope that would be covered by the formal collection and recycling scheme, continued WEEE flow to the formal WEEE recycling sector, and enhancing law enforcement. For Sri Lanka, putting into place specific WEEE legislation and policies, establishing effective facilities for collection and recycling of a greater range of WEEE types, and the enhancement of pollution control are priorities. In Pakistan, commencement of government involvement and policy interventions on WEEE are considered to be of priority. General policy recommendations were also proposed for reference.