Charged Pion Form Factor Betweenq2=0.60and 2.45Gev2
H. P. Blok,T. Horn,G. M. Huber,E. J. Beise,D. Gaskell,D. Mack,V. Tadevosyan,J. Volmer,D. Abbott,K. Aniol,H. Anklin,Christopher Armstrong,J. Arrington,K. Assamagan,S. Avery,O. K. Baker,B. Barrett,C. Bochna,W. Boeglin,E. J. Brash,H. Breuer,C. C. Chang,N. S. Chant,M. E. Christy,J. Dunne,T. Eden,R. Ent,H. Fenker,E. F. Gibson,R. Gilman,K. Gustafsson,W. Hinton,R. J. Holt,H. E. Jackson,S. Jin,M. Jones,C. Keppel,P. H. Kim,W. Kim,King P,A. Klein,D. Koltenuk,V. Kovaltchouk,M. Liang,J. Liu,G. J. Lolos,A. Lung,D. J. Margaziotis,P. Markowitz,Akihiko Matsumura,D. McKee,D. Meekins,J. Mitchell,T. Miyoshi,H. Mkrtchyan,B. Mueller,G. Niculescu,I. Niculescu,Y. Okayasu,L. Pentchev,C. F. Perdrisat,D. Pitz,D. H. Potterveld,V. Punjabi,L. M. Qin,P. E. Reimer,J. Reinhold,J. Roche,P. G. Roos,A. Sarty,I. K. Shin,G. R. Smith,S. Stepanyan,L. Tang,V. Tvaskis,R. L. J. van der Meer,K. Vansyoc,Derek van Westrum,S. Vidakovic,W. Vulcan,G. Warren,S. A. Wood,Chang Xu,Chao Yan,Zhao Wenheng,Xiaochao Zheng,B. Zihlmann
Abstract:Cross sections for the reaction 1 H(e, e π + )n were measured in Hall C at Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (JLab) using the high-intensity Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) to determine the charged pion form factor. Data were taken for central four-momentum transfers ranging from Q 2 = 0.60 to 2.45 GeV 2 at an invariant mass of the virtual photon-nucleon system of W = 1.95 and 2.22 GeV.The measured cross sections were separated into the four structure functions σ L , σ T , σ LT , and σ TT .The various parts of the experimental setup and the analysis steps are described in detail, including the calibrations and systematic studies, which were needed to obtain high-precision results.The different types of systematic uncertainties are also discussed.The results for the separated cross sections as a function of the Mandelstam variable t at the different values of Q 2 are presented.Some global features of the data are discussed, and the data are compared with the results of some model calculations for the reaction 1 H(e, e π + )n.