Microspectroscopy on Perovskite-Based Superlenses [Invited]

Susanne C. Kehr,Pu Yu,Yongmin Liu,Markus Parzefall,Asif I. Khan,Rainer Jacob,Marc Tobias Wenzel,Hans-Georg von Ribbeck,Manfred Helm,Xiang Zhang,Lukas M. Eng,Ramamoorthy Ramesh
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1364/ome.1.001051
Optical Materials Express
Abstract:Superlenses create sub-diffraction-limit images by reconstructing the evanescent fields arising from an object. We study the lateral, vertical, and spectral field distribution of three different perovskite-based superlenses by means of scattering-type near-field microscopy. Subdiffraction-limit resolution is observed for all samples with an image contrast depending on losses such as scattering and absorption. For the three lenses superlensing is observed at slightly different frequencies resulting in an overall broad frequency range of 3.6 THz around 20 THz. © 2011 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: (180.4243) Near-field microscopy; (160.3918) Metamaterials; (160.3220) Ionic crystals; (100.6640) Superresolution. References and links 1. V. Veselago, “The electrodynamics of substances with simultaneously negative values of ε and μ ,” Sov. Phys. Usp. 10, 509–514 (1968). 2. D. R. Smith, W. J. Padilla, D. C. Vier, S. C. Nemat-Nasser, and S. 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