An Intelligent and Acceleration ASIC Design for High Precision Positioning and Posture Surveillance System.
Xiaojing Tan,Weiliang Jin,Chunbo Wang,Jie Cao,Uche Wejinya,Guangyi Shi,Wei Yan
Abstract:This paper presents a novel chip design for higher precision positioning and posture surveillance system. The ASIC can be divided into MCU part and DSP part which can accelerate the calculation for navigation unit. Also, the intelligent chip will switch its working mode based on different input. Basically, we define five different inputs for navigation and posture surveillance calculation including GPS, acceleration, angle velocity, velocity and magnetic force. There are many research results concerning with the combinations for these 5 basic parameters and they gave the different applications for navigation or posture determine. In this paper, we define an intelligent filter that can switch different mode for navigation and posture calculation. We use Kalman filter for GPS combining with IMU, switch to velocity combining AHRS when GPS lost, switch to multi AHRS mode when velocity lost. This adaptive filter gives us a smart way for continuous calculation for navigation and posture update with relative high accuracy. Also, the ASIC design will accelerate the algorithm calculation, which guarantee the real time update and the refresh time is less than 10 milliseconds.