Next‐generation Multidimensional NMR Spectrometer Based on Semiconductor Technology

dongwan ha,nan sun,donhee ham
Abstract:We recently integrated all major functions-RE transmitter,RE receiver, and arbitrary pulse sequencer of the conventionally bulky EINIR spectrorneler electronics into a fingertip-sized silicon chip and demonstrated various a lultidilrlensional NMR spectroscopy experiments with them, using various Ho-and organic molecules. We envision that the size and cost economy of such integrated spedrometer clips Can open up new exciling vistas in the science and technology of NMR. Eor example, high-throughput structural analysis of macromolecules can be enabled by operating a large flUrilbef Of the spectrorneler chips In parallel inside a high-field superconduclino magnet. Eor another example, online, on-site small-molecule analysis can be performed in a miniaturized, thus portable, Platform that combines a spectrometer chip with a low-field compact permanent magnet. In this article, we will discuss the technical background and outlook of this recent synergy between semiconductor chip technology and NMR science.
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