Application ofC-modeScanning Acoustic Microscopy inPackaging

Lili Ma,S. Bao,Shilan Li,Chengdu Sichuan
Abstract:Thereliability ofintegrated circuit (IC) packages depends inmanyrespects ontheir mechanical integrity. Theeffect of structural weaknesses causedby poorbonding, voids, microcracks ordelaminations maynotbeevident inthe electrical performance characteristics, butmay cause premature failure. C-modescanning acoustic microscopy (CSAM)isanexcellent tool fornon-destructive failure analysis ofICpackages. Ithasexhibited goodsensitivity tointerface anomalies suchaspoorbonding, delamination, voids, cracks, and foreign material inclusions. The non-destructive ultrasonic test method using C-SAMisacommondetection method fordelamination orcrack failures insemiconductors withreliable andrelatively accurate results. Thispaper will demonstrate theeffectiveness ofC-SAMatnon-destructively analysis fromA-Scan,B-Scan,C-Scanand T-Scan respectively. Andthecapability ofC-SAMindetecting IC surface corrosion will bealso illustrated.
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