Understanding deconfinement in qcd

David Blaschke,Frithjof Karsch,Craig D. Roberts
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1142/9789814527118
Abstract:Understanding Deconfinement in QCD, pp. 1-356 (1999) No AccessUNDERSTANDING DECONFINEMENT IN QCDProceedings of the International WorkshopDavid Blaschke, Frithjof Karsch, and Craig D. RobertsDavid BlaschkeUniversität Rostock, Germany, Frithjof KarschUniversität Bielefeld, Germany, and Craig D. RobertsArgonne National Laboratory, USAhttps://doi.org/10.1142/9789814527118Cited by:6 AboutSectionsPDF/EPUB ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload CitationsTrack CitationsRecommend to Library ShareShare onFacebookTwitterLinked InRedditEmail Abstract: The Table of Contents for the full book PDF is as follows: Foreword Lattice-QCD at Finite-T and μ Convener: I. Barbour (Glasgow) Finite Temperature QCD on the Lattice QCD at Non-Zero Density Lattice QCD at Non-Zero Baryon Number Deconfinement and Non-Zero Baryon Density Diquark Condensation in Dense Matter - A Lattice Perspective On the Phase Structure of 2 Flavour QCD with Improved Actions Magnetic Field on Lattice U(1)-Higgs and U(2) × U(1)-Higgs Theories Topological Aspects of Deconfinement Convener: A. Di Giacomo (Pisa) What we do Understand of Colour Confinement Dual Higgs Theory in the Confinement Physics of QCD Vortex Percolation and Confinement Instantons and Monopoles at Finite T: a Lattice Approach Magnetic Monopoles, Vortices and the Topology of Gauge Fields Topology and Mesons below and above Tc Random Matrix Theory Convener: J.J.M. Verbaarschot (Stony Brook) Dirac Spectra near the Origin in Chirally Broken and Unbroken Phases The Infrared Limit of the QCD Dirac Spectrum Predictions of Chiral Random Matrix Theory and Lattice QCD Results Microscopic and Bulk Spectra of Dirac Operators from Finite-Volume Partition Functions Random Matrices and Algorithms for Lattice QCD at μ ≠ 0 Spectral Fluctuation Properties of the Non-Hermitian Dirac Operator QCD Phase Transition & Universality Convener: J. Polonyi (Strasbourg) Variational Calculations in Gauge Theories The Deconfining Phase Transition as an Aharonov-Bohm Effect QCD Critical Point: What it takes to Discover Relating Deconfinement and Percolation Nuclear Fragmentation and the Ising Model Gluon Condensate and Quark Propagation in the QGP Quasiparticle Description of Deconfined Matter at Finite μ and T Renormalisation-Group Flow-Equations at Finite Density Dyson-Schwinger-Equation Studies Convener: S. Schmidt (Argonne) Dyson-Schwinger Equations and the Quark-Gluon Plasma The Infrared Behavior of Propagators in Landau Gauge QCD The Lattice Gluon Propagator into the neat Millennium Supercritical Confinement Calculating the Critical Exponents of the Chiral Phase Transition Mesonic Correlations and Quark Deconfinement Heavy Meson Observables The Asymptotic Behavior of the π0γ*γ Transition Effective Models & Kinetics for QCD Convener: J. Hüfner (Heidelberg) Chiral Symmetry Breaking and Color Superconductivity in the Instanton Picture Strange Quark Matter in the NJL Mean Field Instabilities at the QCD Phase Transition Relativistic Faddeev Approach to the NJL Model at Finite Density Kaon Properties in a Hot and Dense Medium Kinetics of Scalar Quarks and Gluons Thermodynamics of a Chiral Model with Scale Anomaly (3 Flavors) NJL Model with Infrared Confinement at Finite Temperature Signals for Deconfinement Convener: H. Satz (Bielefeld), J. Wambach (Darmstadt) Recent Results on Low Mass Dileptons Results on J/ψ Suppression Another Look at Anomalous J/ψ Suppression in Pb + Pb Collisions at P/A = 158 GeV/c Charmonium Dissociation by the Intensive Gluon Bremsstrahlung in Heavy Ion Collisions Probing Chiral Symmetry Restoration with Heavy Ions Hadron Production in the MICOR Model θ Vacuum in a Random Matrix Model Signal of Quark Deconfinement in Neutron Stars Deconfinement Signals in Neutron Stars and Supernova Explosion Participants FiguresReferencesRelatedDetailsCited By 6GUE-chGUE transition preserving chirality at finite matrix sizeTakuya Kanazawa and Mario Kieburg17 July 2018 | Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, Vol. 51, No. 34Chiral Condensate and Mott–Anderson Freeze-OutD. Blaschke, J. Berdermann, J. Cleymans and K. Redlich14 October 2011 | Few-Body Systems, Vol. 53, No. 1-2Chiral condensate and chemical freeze-outD. B. Blaschke, J. Berdermann, J. Cleymans and K. Redlich7 December 2011 | Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters, Vol. 8, No. 8COLOR SUPERCONDUCTING QUARK MATTER AND COMPACT STAR OBSERVABLESD. N. Aguilera, J. Berdermann, D. B. Blaschke, H. A. Grigorian and A. Khalatyan et al.1 Jan 2006Population Clustering as a Signal for Deconfinement in Accreting Compact StarsG. Poghosyan, H. Grigorian and D. Blaschke10 Apr 2001 | The Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 551, No. 1Bethe-Salpeter study of vector meson masses and decay constantsPieter Maris and Peter C. Tandy21 October 1999 | Physical Review C, Vol. 60, No. 5 Understanding Deconfinement in QCDMetrics History PDF download
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