Study of the $^{15}$o$(2p,\gamma )^{17}$ne Cross Section by Coulomb Dissociation of $^{17}$ne for the $rp$ Process of Nucleosynthesis
J. Marganiec,F. Wamers,F. Aksouh,Y. Aksyutina,H. Alvarez Pol,T. Aumann,S. Beceiro,C. Bertulani,K. Boretzky,M. J. G. Borge,M. Chartier,A. Chatillon,L. Chulkov,D. Cortina-Gil,I. Egorova,H. Emling,O. Ershova,C. Forssen,L. M. Fraile,H. Fynbo,D. Galaviz,H. Geissel,L. Grigorenko,M. Heil,D. H. H. Hoffmann,J. Hoffmann,H. Johansson,B. Jonson,M. Karakoc,C. Karagiannis,O. Kiselev,J. V. Kratz,R. Kulessa,N. Kurz,C. Langer,M. Lantz,K. Larsson,T. Le Bleis,R. Lemmon,Yu. A. Litvinov,K. Mahata,C. Muentz,T. Nilsson,C. Nociforo,G. Nyman,W. Ott,V. Panin,Yu. Parfenova,S. Paschalis,A. Perea,R. Plag,R. Reifarth,A. Richter,K. Riisager,C. Rodriguez Tajes,D. Rossi,G. Schrieder,N. Shulgina,H. Simon,J. Stroth,K. Suemmerer,J. Taylor,O. Tengblad,E. Tengborn,H. Weick,M. Wiescher,C. Wimmer,M. Zhukov
Acta Physica Polonica B
Abstract:The O-15(2p, gamma)Ne-17 cross section has been studied by the inverse reaction, the Coulomb dissociation of Ne-17. The experiment has been performed at the GSI. The Ne-17 excitation energy prior to decay has been reconstructed by using the invariant-mass method. The preliminary differential and integral Coulomb dissociation cross sections (sigma(Coul)) have been extracted, which provide a photoabsorption (sigma(photo)) and a radiative capture cross section (sigma(cap)). Additionally, important information about the Ne-17 nuclear structure will be obtained. The analysis is in progress.