Tension ControI Based on VariabIe Universe Fuzzy-PID AIgorithm

DOI: https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-182X.2014.09.031
Abstract:Tension controI is wideIy used in industriaI appIication,its core is to keep the tension steady.Now the constanttension controI is controI ed mainIy by sectionaI PID and fuzzy PID,but these two methods are Iack of stabiIity.This paper intro-duces the idea of variabIe universe of discourse based on the fuzzy controI and designs a variabIe universaI fuzzy con-troI er whose scaIing factor is based on function modeI,which is used to controI the tension system whose actuator is magnetic powder brake.Fuzzy controI PID aIgorithm and variabIe universaI fuzzy PID aIgorithm controI were compared by simuIation on the system modeI.
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