Multidisciplinary team for rectal cancer
Tiffany Hutchins,Giacomo Vivanti,Natasa Mateljevic,Roger J. Jou,Frederick Shic,Lauren Cornew,Timothy P. L. Roberts,Leona Oakes,Sarah A. O. Gray,Corey Ray-Subramanian,Dorothy Stubbe,Vannesa T. Mueller,Anjileen Singh,Cynthia Zierhut,Sally J. Rogers,Stephen Sulkes,Susan Wilczynski,Hanna C. Rue,Cheryl Smith Gabig,Paul A. Offit,Haleigh Scott,Susan M. Havercamp,Avery Voos,Alexander Westphal,Jessica L. Roesser,Mitrah E. Avini,Alexander Westphal,Lawrence David Scahill,Diane M. Lickenbrock,Jill Boucher,Sebastian Gaigg,Dermot Bowler,Martine Solages,Haleigh Scott,Susan M. Havercamp,Jemma Grindstaff,Victoria Shea,Maureen Early,Logan Wink,Craig Erickson,Christopher J. McDougle,Jessica L. Roesser,Alexander Westphal,Miranda Farmer,Madison Pilato,Kelly Macy,Maura Moyle,Claire Plowgian,Lawrence David Scahill,Itxaso Marti,Giacomo Vivanti,Alexander Westphal,Danielle Geno,Andrea McDuffie,Sarah Schoen,Lucy Miller,Sarah Schoen,Marjorie Solomon,Susan Hyman,Kelly Macy,Ilan Dinstein,Marlene Behrman,Rizwan Parvez,Benjamin Aaronson,Raphael Bernier,Lindsey Kent,Michelle Lestrud,Fred R. Volkmar,Cheryl Smith Gabig,Mieke Dereu,Pamela Brucker,Ellen J. Hoffman,Kristin Johnson,Lawrence David Scahill,Lisa Edelson,Paul El-Fishawy,Manon H. J. Hillegers,Karen Aalst,Lawrence David Scahill,Kelly Macy,Gianluca Esposito,Svend Erik Mouridsen,Lynn Koegel,Robert L. Koegel,Mi Na Park,Corey Ray-Subramanian,Su Mei Lee,Casey Zampella,Loisa Bennetto,Ted Brown,Moira Lewis,Beau Reilly,Evon Batey Lee,Sarah Melchior,Lee Marcus,Jemma Grindstaff,Michelle Lestrud,John D. Murdoch,Jan Van der Rutger Gaag,Stephan Sanders,Jinah Kim,Sally J. Rogers,Amanda C. Gulsrud,Lindsey Capece
Abstract:Rectal cancer is one of the most common cancers in China.Despite the fact that surgery is still the mainstay of treatment for patients with rectal cancer,the management of the disease should be performed by a multidisciplinary team (MDT) with contributions by surgeons,oncologists,pathologists,radiologists and gastroenterologists. The working modality of MDT in the treatment of rectal cancer was widely adopted in the world. MDT modality could play the key role in improving treatment outcomes and reducing patients'cost.