Demonstration of dual Shapiro steps in small Josephson junctions
Fabian Kaap,Christoph Kissling,Victor Gaydamachenko,Lukas Grünhaupt,Sergey Lotkhov
Abstract:Bloch oscillations in small Josephson junctions were predicted theoretically as the quantum dual to Josephson oscillations. A significant consequence of this prediction is the emergence of quantized current steps, so-called dual Shapiro steps, when synchronizing Bloch oscillations to an external microwave signal. These steps potentially enable a fundamental standard of current $I$, defined via the frequency $f$ of the external signal and the elementary charge $e$, $I=\pm n \times 2ef$, where $n$ is a natural number. Here, we realize this fundamental relation by synchronizing the Bloch oscillations in small Al/AlO$_\mathrm{x}$/Al Josephson junctions to sinusoidal drives with frequencies varying from $1$ to $6\:\mathrm{GHz}$ and observe dual Shapiro steps up to $I\approx 3 \: \mathrm{nA}$. Inspired by today's voltage standards and to further confirm the duality relation, we investigate a pulsed drive regime, which is dual to the single flux quantum mode of Josephson oscillations, and observe a similar asymmetric pattern of dual Shapiro steps. This work confirms quantum duality effects in Josephson junctions and paves the way towards a range of applications in quantum metrology based on well-established fabrication techniques and straightforward circuit design.
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics,Superconductivity,Quantum Physics