High Frequency Compensation of the Surface Seismic Data Constrained by Well Data

Hanqing Liu,Fanchang Zhang,Mingqiang Zhang,Ronghuo Dai
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1190/segam2014-0949.1
Abstract:PreviousNext No AccessSEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2014High frequency compensation of the surface seismic data constrained by well dataAuthors: Hanqing Liu*Fanchang ZhangMingqiang ZhangRonghuo DaiHanqing Liu*China U of PetroleumSearch for more papers by this author, Fanchang ZhangChina U of PetroleumSearch for more papers by this author, Mingqiang ZhangChina U of PetroleumSearch for more papers by this author, and Ronghuo DaiChina U of PetroleumSearch for more papers by this authorhttps://doi.org/10.1190/segam2014-0949.1 SectionsAboutPDF/ePub ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload CitationsTrack CitationsPermissions ShareFacebookTwitterLinked InRedditEmail Abstract With the rapid development of seismic exploration, the identification of thin beds and complex reservoirs with large lateral variations is becoming a major problem. However, restricted by the acquisition conditions, the dominant frequency of the surface seismic data is not high enough, and therefore its resolution is low and can not meet the requirements of fine exploration. To solve this problem, we propose a method to broaden the bandwidth of the surface seismic data, which utilizes the relationship of the spectra between the surface seismic data and the well data to recover the high-frequency information. Given that the bandwidth of the well data is broad enough, first, we use the matching pursuit algorithm to process the well data and extract the information that the surface seismic data can recover. Then, within predominant frequency band, we establish the convolution relationship of spectra between the surface seismic data and the well data in the frequency domain. What's more, the optimization algorithm and modified Cauchy constraints are added into the solving process to make the algorithm more stable. Finally, the mapping relationship is applied to the entire seismic section, and thus the energy of the weak signal with high-frequency is enhanced under the premise of original signal preservation. After broadening the spectrum, the ability to identify thin beds of the seismic data is greatly improved. Numerical and field data tests show that the resolution of the inversion result that uses the seismic data after broadening the bandwidth is much higher than that uses the original surface seismic data, which proves the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method. Keywords: inversion, mapping, spectral, high-resolution, reconstructionPermalink: https://doi.org/10.1190/segam2014-0949.1FiguresReferencesRelatedDetails SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2014ISSN (print):1052-3812 ISSN (online):1949-4645Copyright: 2014 Pages: 5183 publication data© 2014 Published in electronic format with permission by the Society of Exploration GeophysicistsPublisher:Society of Exploration Geophysicists HistoryPublished: 05 Aug 2014 CITATION INFORMATION Hanqing Liu*, Fanchang Zhang, Mingqiang Zhang, and Ronghuo Dai, (2014), "High frequency compensation of the surface seismic data constrained by well data," SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts : 1649-1653. https://doi.org/10.1190/segam2014-0949.1 Plain-Language Summary Keywordsinversionmappingspectralhigh-resolutionreconstructionPDF DownloadLoading ...
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