Epic, Ode, or Something New: the Blending of Genres in Thomson'S 'spring' (james Thomson)

Sandro Jung
Abstract:The mid-eighteenth-century long poem is best and in greatest complexity represented by James Thomson's The Seasons and its revisions. While idea of long poem as a poetic genre is a twentieth-century effort of scholars come terms with an elusive form that finds a variety of expressions in eighteenth century, there never been a sustained attempt at defining generic hybridity of poem, its formal characteristics, or its poetic techniques. (1) Alastair Fowler, like John Chalker, understands The Seasons in terms of extensions of georgic (108). (2) Others have related poem epic tradition and especially Milton. (3) Ralph Cohen, on other hand, notes that it not [...] either a Georgic or a scientific-didactic poem, and, although it had features of epic, it was not an epic in any traditional sense (92). Fowler reaches conclusion that Thomson invented [a] strikingly novel 'species' that was nevertheless acceptable neoclassical critics (29), thereby placing him at center of monogenesis of long poem. The novelty of genre Thomson created with The Seasons, however, reflects scholarly dilemma that a genre almost ipse facto lacks any agreed label (Fowler 131). While a genre is characterized by a number of typical modal qualities, its validity also depends on inherent requirements of form that are prominently used in any denominated genre. Fowler in Kinds of Literature insists that the kinds, however elusive, objectively exist. Their boundaries may not be hard-edged, but they can nonetheless exclude. This is shown by fact that features are often characteristic through their absence (73). In that respect, Barbara Kiefer Lewalski usefully reconsidered Paradise Lost and its uses of genre. She holds that Milton included a panoply of kinds (114) in Paradise Lost that was not conceived of as a mausoleum of dead forms but with belief that his imaginative energy [...] profoundly transforms genres themselves, creating new models which profoundly influenced English and American writers for three centuries (115). Richard Terry, in a similar way, speaks of ability of long poem to embrace and harmonize contradictions (496). Critics from eighteenth century present day have censured formal and methodical heterogeneity of The Seasons. Samuel Johnson, for instance, observed that great defect of The Seasons is want of method; but for this I know not that there was any remedy. Of many appearances subsisting all at once, no rule can be given why one should be mentioned before another; yet memory wants help of order, and curiosity is not excited by suspense or expectation. (2: 292) David Mallet, author of long poem The Excursion, is equally criticized for his desultory and capricious view of such scenes of Nature as his fancy led him, or his knowledge enabled him, describe (2: 366). Johnson remarks that Mallet's The Excursion has Thomson's beauties and Thomson's (2: 366). These faults are explained in Johnson's Life of when he contextualizes The Wanderer against background of a similar poetics of methodical irregularity: It been generally objected The Wanderer, that disposition of parts is irregular; that images, however beautiful, succeed each other without order; and that whole performance is not so much a regular fabric, as a heap of shining materials thrown together by accident, which strikes rather with solemn magnificence of a stupendous ruin, than elegant grandeur of a finished pile. (2: 92) Johnson, however, makes a distinction between (imaginative) long poems of Thomson, Mallet, and Savage and Pope's arbitrary and immethodical technique of didactic Essay on Criticism. He thereby--implicitly at least--acknowledges (and legitimises) what Edward Young termed the bright walks of rare Imagination, and singular Design as well as fresh untrodden ground (37) that Thomson explored in his long poem. …
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