Influence of Post-Injection Strategy on the Exhaust Emission and Fuel Consumption in a HSDI Diesel Engine
Limiao Zhang,Chonglin Song,Hao Li,Jin′ou Song,Gang Lü,Zhengjie Wu,Peng Ma
Abstract:The effects of post-injection strategy on the regulated exhaust emissions and brake specific fuel consump-tion(BSFC) were investigated in a diesel engine in this study. The experiment was conducted on a four-cylinder di-rect-injection engine,and the post-injection parameters(post injection quantity and timing) were adjusted to investi-gate their influences on particulate matter(PM),nitrogen oxides(NOx),hydrocarbon(HC),carbon monox-ide(CO)emissions and BSFC. Results shows that with the increase of post injection quantity and the delay of post injection,particulate matter(PM) emission first decreases and then increases,while nitrogen oxides(NOx) emission shows a downward trend. The emissions of hydrocarbon(HC) and carbon monoxide(CO) decrease at the beginning and then increase as the post injection quantity increases,while with the delay of post injection timing,HC and CO emissions increase gradually. When post injection quantity is set at 6,mg and post injection timing at 1,100,μs under the operating condition of 1,800,r/min and 75% engine load,the decreases of PM,NOx,CO and HC emissions are 16.42%,4.78%,28.99% and 6.16%,respectively,as compared with the single injection,and the BSFC is almost unchanged. Overall,a decrease in PM and NOxemissions can be obtained by optimizing the post injection strategy without affecting CO,HC emissions and BSFC.