Issues Concerning the Study of Grammaticalization
HU Zhuang-lin
Abstract:This paper reports and discusses theoretical issues arising from the study of grammaticalization, and is presented in the following order. 1) Grammaticalization is variably defined according to its purpose and range of interest. It is observed that scholars have been adopting a wider approach today. They not only aim at answering the nature of grammaticalization, but also attempt to discover and interpret how language acquires its grammar. 2) The most common patterns of grammaticalization can be arranged along the scale of open-class word representation to closed-class grammatical markers, exemplified by the appearance of articles, modal verbs, and affixes in English. 3) Many scholars hold the view that the development of language can be described by the process of grammaticalization, which features unidirectionality, that is, moving in the direction of word enclitic morpheme suffix; this process can also be observed in other languages. But one can also hear the minority voices who argued for degrammaticalization, evidenced by the addition of ism, etic, emic, etc to the lexicon. On the whole, grammaticalization owns my supporters. 4) The discussion of grammaticalization leads to the notions of regularization, categorization, and decategorization. The important feature of regularization is that there is always a changeable slot in the environment of a structure, the category of which can be constrained semantically. The linguistic category has a prototypical structure, defined by its position as a central member or a peripheral member. In contrast, decategorization sees grammaticalization from another perspective; that is, those words undergoing grammaticalization will move away from its original category. 5) The latest research finding shows that grammaticalization follows a process of automatization. It is similar to those changes in non-linguistic skills, which apply to all muscular activities, such as playing musical instruments, sports and cooking. Habituation resulting from repeated activities will either weaken the response from repeated stimulus or create emancipation by changing the function of words or phrases. 6) There are two perspectives in the study of grammaticalization: diachronic or synchronic. The long-standing diachronic change is represented by the formation of functional words and suffixes from early words, whereas the synchronic typological change can be supported by statistical analysis. This is especially true when scholars today resort more to the development of corpus linguistics. 7) More and more scholars begin to realize that among the basic mechanisms leading to grammaticalization, cognitive process plays a very important role. Those words which tend to be grammaticalized are always words concerning the relation between humans and environments. This shows grammar starts from the most concrete and basic aspects of human experiences