The influence of time pressure during duration-presenting stage on duration perception
LI Xin,ZHENG MeiHong
Chinese Science Bulletin
Abstract:Duration perception is the perception of time in the seconds-to-minutes range,and it is very important for many activities in daily life.Previous studies have found that several factors such as attention and emotion affect the accuracy of duration perception,but very few of them focus on the influence of time pressure.According to the internal clock model,the clock stage is a core stage of duration perception in which temporal information is accumulated.Considering that this clock stage is the duration-presenting stage in an experiment,we induced time pressure during the duration-presenting stage,in which a participant had to complete arithmetic tasks within a time limit,to investigate the influence of time pressure on duration perception.Seventeen participants took part in the Experiment 1.Each trial consisted of two parts:the duration-presenting stage and duration-estimating stage.In the duration-presenting stage,participants were presented with three integers randomly selected from 0 to 9 and were asked to report the median by pressing the corresponding key.Each median judgment task was conducted under three different time pressure levels (none,low,and high) induced by three respective time limits (none,1500,and 800 ms).To reduce report arbitrariness,in the duration-estimating stage,participants were instructed to present a 5 s duration by pressing the space key twice,and then reported their estimation of the duration of the duration-presenting stage.In order to test the stability of the results of Experiment 1,we carded out Experiment 2.32 participants took part in the experiment,and we used simple arithmetic tasks to induce time pressure.The three time limits used were none,2000,and 1000 ms.In both experiments,ANOVA showed a significant main effect of time limits on the accuracy of arithmetic tasks,indicating that conducting arithmetic tasks under time limits was effective in inducing time pressure.The ANOVA on the accuracy of duration estimation showed a significant main effect of time limits in both 15 and 60 s conditions.Further T-tests showed that the accuracy of duration estimation under high time-pressure (800 ms in Experiment 1,1000 ms in Experiment 2) significantly different from that with no time pressure,which revealed the influence of time pressure on duration estimation.These results extended our knowledge about duration perception time pressure during the duration-presenting stage could change the accuracy of duration perception with a significant underestimation.Moreover,the influence can only be partly explained by the effect of attention on temporal information,which indicates that we need to find another mechanism to interpret the effect of time pressure on duration perception.Besides the theoretical contribution,the present study reminds that to finish tasks on time under time pressure,one ought to work more quickly since the time used is always longer than perceived.