Numerical heat transfer analysis of bio convective flow of non-Newtonian nanofluid with Darcy-Forchheimer effect over a curved stretching surface
Mohammad A. Al Zubi,Muhammad Naveed Khan,Naveed Ahsan,Mohamed Hussien,Khaled A. Gepreel,M. Daher Albalwi
Numerical Heat Transfer Part A Applications
Abstract:The main aim of this study is to investigate the behavior of bio-convective flow of 2nd grade micropolar nanofluid with Darcy-Forchheimer law over a curved porous stretching surface. The fluid flow analysis includes novel aspects such as the nonuniform heat source/sink, Joule heating, magnetic field, chemical reaction, and thermal radiation. Furthermore, the boundary of the stretching surface is acquired the stratification conditions. A suitable conversion method is employed to transform the flow model into a collection of ordinary differential equations, characterized by their nonlinearity. The bvp4c technique on the MATLAB is utilized to acquire numerical solutions for this set of nonlinear equations. The characteristics of various influential parameters on the velocity, temperature, concentration, and microorganism density profiles are observed and discussed. In the present problem, it is observed that by the growth of micropolar parameter enhances the angular fluid velocity. Moreover, larger values of the magnetic parameter, Darcy number, and porosity parameter result in a decrease in the fluid's linear velocity. The temperature profile exhibits a decreasing pattern with the elevation thermal stratification parameter, while the opposite trend shows by the increment of the radiation parameter and Eckert number. Additionally, the concentration of nanoparticles decreases as the Schmidt number and Brownian motion parameter increases.