Low-Energy Magnetic Excitations in Co/Coo Core/Shell Nanoparticles
M. Feygenson,X. Teng,S. E. Inderhees,Y. Yiu,W. Du,W. Han,J. Wen,Z. Xu,A. A. Podlesnyak,J. L. Niedziela,M. Hagen,Y. Qiu,C. M. Brown,L. Zhang,M. C. Aronson
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/physrevb.83.174414
IF: 3.7
Physical Review B
Abstract:We have used inelastic neutron scattering measurements to study the magnetic excitations of Co core/CoO shell nanoparticles for energies from 0 to 50 meV. Above the blocking temperature T{sub B}, broad quasielastic scattering is observed, corresponding to the reorientation of the Co core moments and to paramagnetic CoO scattering. Below T{sub B}, two nearly dispersionless inelastic peaks are found, whose energies increase with decreasing temperature as order parameters, controlled by the nanoparticle Neel temperature T{sub N} = 235 K, and saturating as T {yields} 0 at 2.7 and 6.7 meV, respectively. Similar excitations were observed in a powdered single crystal of CoO, indicating that both are intrinsic excitations of CoO, resulting from the exchange splitting of single-ion states for T T{sub N}. Pronounced finite-size effects are observed for the scattering from the CoO nanoparticle shells, whose thicknesses range from 1.7 to 4.5 nm. These include an enhanced excitation linewidth, as well as a response that is not only spread over a much wider range of wave vectors, but is also significantly more intense in the nanoparticles than in bulk CoO.