[Advances in the Applications of DNA Chips and Proteomics Approaches for Neurosciences].
Hao-Ran Wang,Liang Li,Xiang-Rong Gao
Abstract:DNA chips and proteomics are two of the recently developed high-throughput technologies that allow us to simultaneously analyze the expression levels of multiple genes and the interactions of their products in the brain. Their applications in neuroscience provide us with the unprecedented opportunities for understanding of the brain. A typical gene chip experiment contains a series of steps, including preparations (or purchase) of DNA chips, target DNA and probes, hybridization of chips with target DNA, chip scanning, and imaging analysis. The technologies in proteomics are more complicated, which comprise of three main aspects of technologies: protein isolation, identification and bioinformatic analysis of data. If protein isolation is based on 2-D, it includes the preparation of protein sample, 2-D, staining gels, spot excision, proteolysis, mass spectrometry of purified protein and finally undergoing bioinformatic analysis. Here we review the two technologies with emphasis on their applications in neurosciences. The challenges, advantages and disadvantages of the two techniques, and perspectives for their developments are discussed.